To be able to raise money in this year of lockdown is amazing and your generosity has helped us so much in supporting our projects with GOSH, Cardiomyopathy UK and Noah’s Ark.
The NHS as well as so many other service providers have found themselves more busy than ever this year and have had to find new ways of working whilst continuing to deliver the incredible services and work that they have always done.
We would like to thank everyone who has put aside their personal lives and has been there to help those who have needed it.
We are so pleased that all the projects that we are funding have continued and in some cases, increased their services. Max’s Foundation is really helping to make a difference to those working with genetic heart conditions and to those who lives are affected by these conditions.
The Centre for Inherited Cardiac Diseases, led by Juan Kaski have all been incredibly busy this year, working through the pandemic to ensure that their patients are continuing to receive the best possible care as always, as well as continuing the work on the research projects that are so integral to the department.
We would just like to take a moment to thank them and all front line workers for all their work and support during this difficult year.

We are also delighted to be able to announce that we are funding a new role within the department, in addition to Ella, our research nurse.
The research project is so busy that more help was needed so we have agreed to co-fund a research assistant for 3 years to help with the work load.
They have already seen some amazing results as announced last year and we are so pleased we are able to help them in continuing their incredible work.
Cardiomyopathy UK:

We were delighted to welcome Sade, the new Youth Panel manager on board this year, in a Max’s Foundation funded role, to help coordinate the much-needed services provided to children and young people affected by cardiomyopathies.
She has some amazing ideas and we are really looking forward to seeing what she will do in the coming year.
Noah’s Ark:
Due to the pandemic, Noah’s Ark were unable to run the Synergy group this year.
However, they offered their incredible facilities and services to the NHS to help children and their families and we were more than happy to have our funds redirected to help them in this role.